
To get started select the reports icon and choose audit history report:

Here you can see database structural changes made on your whole environment. This allows you to see if logins, databases, tables, views, indexes etc. are being added, modified or removed from your servers. You can also set up email alerts for potentially dangerous operations such as login creation or dropping databases.


Server activity audit is an option that can be set by editing the instance you would like to audit. This feature is only available for Microsoft SQL Server and not SQL Azure or another of the other database types.

And by viewing a script you can see what statements users have run in SQL.


If the script returns --Encrypted-- then the changes were done by an encrypted stored procedure and you cannot view the SQL that was changed.


Clicking on the Alerts button will bring you to the Server Activity Alerts screen. Here you can set up alert emails for specific events such as a table being created or a database being dropped for example

By clicking the Add Alert, you can create a new alert.


Clicking on the Exclusions button will bring you to the Server Activity Exclusions screen. Here you can set up specific events that get excluded altogether in the Service Activity Audit History. A good example where this is useful would be if a destructive load process drops and recreates reporting tables every day. This allows you filter out "noise" so you can focus on the important events.

By default, we exclude some of the objects that are dropped and recreated in SQLPro's Backup and Maintenance Module.

To add a new exclusion, click on the Add Exclusion button.

In the example, I am excluding the dropping, creating or altering of the database "Staging"

Click on the Save button to save the exclusion.

System Settings

Here you can edit schedules and retention periods for the Server Activity Audit report